

    Night time routines do not have to be seen as something negative in your relationship anymore- use the time for your own good. Take advantage of the time you spend together before bed to increase the love between the two of you.

    You can create a new routine together implementing these 4 habits every night, and you will begin to see how the day-to-day tasks will become lighter and happier as a result.

    1. Talk peacefully

  • Soon after bathing take time for your spouse, even if it is only 20 minutes, and talk about what happened in your da.? Ask how work was, discuss your children and their daily activities, address politics or anything else that is interesting between the two of you.
    Try to talk with love and compassion; you do not want to end up fighting before bed. This conversation is not to discuss problems, but to relax with your spouse. Do not discuss highly complicated issues. Conversations regarding conflicts that cannot be resolved in 20 minutes should not take place. Besides, nothing is worse than a heated discussion before bed that can lead to sleepless nights.

    2. Read together

  • Take the time to read each of your favorite books and before you go to bed comment on what you read. Or even read the Bible together to increase your faith and draw closer together spiritually. Reading and learning new things together will help you draw closer together.

    3. Pray together

  • Pray together and pray for your spouse. Offer thanks for having each other in your life. Praying with your spouse is a pure and innocent way to include God in your relationship. Prayers also help the couple be more grateful for one another and recognize the value that their spouse offers in their lives.
    We know that marriage is not easy; it is very laborious. The couple has to face problems together far beyond the problems of coexistence. It is always good to seek God's help to strengthen the relationship. Praying together gives strength to the couple and allows them to move on and face the difficulties of each day.

    4. Small acts of affection

  • Be affectionate with one another. Caress, massage, cuddle, hold hands and kiss. Being physically close to your spouse will help you relax and will relieve everyday stress. A happy and affectionate marriage does not need to be intimate all night to have a happy marriage, but a genuine awareness of being physically close to one another.

    These habits become remedies against the stress of everyday life. It will improve the living, love, harmony and peace in the home. Begin today and implement these 4 habits before bed with your spouse.
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