Scientist from the University of Oxford and Churchill Hospital in the United Kingdom have discovered that women with larger than average butts are not only increasingly intelligent, but also resistant to chronic illnesses, Elite Daily reported.
The results found that people who carry their body fat in their thighs and backsides aren't just carrying extra weight, but also some extra protection against diabetes, heart disease and other conditions associated with obesity.
"It is the protective role of lower body, that is [thigh and backside] fat, that is striking," the researchers said in a statement. "The protective properties of the lower body fat depot have been confirmed in many studies conducted in subjects with a wide range of age, BMI and co-morbidities."
According to ABC News, the results found women with bigger backsides tend to have lower levels of cholesterol and are more likely to produce hormones to metabolize sugar. Having a big butt requires an excess of Omega 3 fats, which have been proven to catalyze brain development, Elite Daily reported.
Researchers also found the children born to women with wider hips are intellectually superior to the children of slimmer, less curvy mothers.
Researchers analyzed and compared female belly fat with the legs, hips and buttocks, finding that the fat from the lower body of women prevents the development of diabetes, thanks to the quantity and type containing hormones, Eyeonthenut reported.
"If you're going to have fat, you're definitely better off if you've got some fat in the lower body," Dr. Michael Jensen, director of endocrine research at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn. told ABC News. "If you look at people who have primarily the pear shape, they're healthy in all the ways that this fat behaves. It's not just less heart attacks or less diabetes, it's all these ways we think about fat as an important organ for our health."
The fat located in the thigh and backside produce hormones that help to better metabolize sugars and other lipids, abdominal fat secretes hormones with the opposite effect.
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