

    There are many things women will do for the men they love. Some go so far as to sacrifice their happiness. However, just because something might be done in the name of love does not make it the right thing to do.
    Here are 6 things that a woman should never do for the man she loves:
  • 1. Compromise her standards

    Your standards and beliefs are a part of who you are. They reach into the very core of your being. When someone attempts to change those standards or beliefs, they are showing you they do not truly love who you are. It is important for a woman never to settle for a man who does not respect her standards, no matter how high or strict. Instead, a woman should search for someone who either shares her standards or admires her because of them. It might take a while to find him, but he is out there.
  • 2. Change her appearance

    It is perfectly natural for a woman to want to look nice for the man she loves. There is nothing wrong with spending a little extra time on your hair and makeup before a date. It is a great opportunity for you to accentuate your natural beauty and get a little confidence boost from the look on your man's face when you walk down the stairs. However, you should feel just as confident walking down those stairs in jeans and a t-shirt as you do in that blue dress he loves. There is no reason you should feel the need to be constantly dolled up to perfection. Just be you.

    Never alter your appearance for the approval of a man. If your man pressures you to dress the way he wants, cut your hair to his liking or alter your body in any way through cosmetic surgery or dieting, he is not worth your time. Find someone that thinks you are the most beautiful woman on earth, even on your bad hair days.
  • 3. Be submissive

    Men and women should be equal partners in a relationship. Both are independent human beings with different opinions and ways of doing things. Although learning how to work together might involve adopting new habits and sacrificing the luxury of getting your own way, one person should not be bending to the will of the other.
    No matter how much you love him, your man does not control your life. You do. This does not mean that you should never counsel together when making decisions. It does mean you should not consider his word to be law. You should never step back and let him push you around.
  • 4. Hide her intellect

    For some crazy reason women, seem to think acting dumb is attractive. Yes, you shouldn't act like a know-it-all, but you also shouldn't conceal your intelligence in order to stroke a man's ego. If you have an opinion, share it. If you know the answer, say it. Believe it or not, men find it attractive when a woman is confident, independent and not afraid to admit she has a brain.
    They also find it annoying when a woman acts completely helpless and incompetent. It is all right if you know how to throw a football or fix the kitchen sink. Impress your man with your amazing capability to open a jar without any assistance. Although he might like rescuing his damsel in distress, he also wouldn't mind having a heroine around every once in a while.
  • 5. Starve herself

    There has been a lie spreading around that men are only attracted to one body type. This lie has made women feel the need to risk their health in order to achieve the unnaturally small waistline of a photoshopped model. This is wrong. You should never ever deny yourself food in order to be physically appealing to your man. If your man has fallen in love with you, it means he has fallen in love with you.Not a model. He most likely finds your extra curves attractive. Accept the fact that when he says you are beautiful, he really means it.
    Remember that women are often their worst critics. They put unnecessary pressures on themselves to be or look a certain way when, in fact, they are perfect just the way they are. If you really do feel the need to lose some extra weight, there are many other alternatives to starving yourself. Exercising and following a healthy diet will aid you in shedding the unwanted pounds and help you feel like the gorgeous woman you already are.

  • 6. Give up on her dreams

    Just because a woman has found the love of her life, doesn't mean all her dreams have come true. Everyone has secret hopes, dreams and longings for the future. Being in a relationship should not mean that you have to give up those dreams for your sweetheart's. On the contrary! Your man should be providing encouragement and support to live your dreams.
    If you have truly found the man of your dreams, you shouldn't have to choose between your man and your dreams. You should be able to have both. So don't give up your dream to travel the world. Find a way to travel it together. Get a Ph.D., open up your own shop, run a marathon, pursue your dream of being an artist. Dream away, and let your man do the same.
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