

PRESIDENT John Magufuli has promised to conduct in-depth scrutiny of all income generating investments under Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM)’s different wings including Youth Wing, Parents and UWT to determine where the money is.
Dr Magufuli has also resolved to ensure leadership within the CCM will be on merit and not the seize of one’s pocket.

Addressing hundreds of CCM members and the the general public who turned up to welcome the ruling party’s new National Chairman at the party’s sub-head office along Lumumba Street in Dar es Salaam yesterday, President Magufuli said under his chairmanship, CCM leaders will be elected in accordance with qualifications, particularly integrity.

“I will not let anyone within CCM buy leadership. I want those elections that are based on qualifications regardless of religion, tribe or gender of that particular person,” he explained, calling on everyone qualified to vie in the next year’s party elections to come out promising that money will not be exchanged for leaderships.
He added: “When I was vying for the presidency I did not pay a cent. I was only with my driver when I went to get the nomination forms, but those who had planned to spend money to be nominated had entourage of people but they decided to defect when they failed to get the nomination,” he explained, urging CCM members to bear with him while he sets out to ‘clean’ the party and restore it to its former glory.

Dr Magufuli said CCM had lost direction and became a party for the rich, noting that getting leadership position for those without money was like a ‘camel going through the eye of a needle’, vowing to trample out such behaviour within the ruling party.

The president pledged his cooperation with CCM and the public in general to bring positive change in the country for the benefit of all Tanzanians regardless of their political party affiliation.

He expressed his happiness on the magnitude of people who turned out to receive him from the Julius Nyerere International Airport (JNIA) along Nyerere Road and at Lumumba Street party offices, promising that he will never let Tanzanians down in his resolve to take the nation into a middle income country.
As a ruling party, President Magufuli stressed that CCM is tasked with ruling the country, noting that each CCM leader in their different capacities must rule their areas and ensure public’s interests are addressed.

“CCM has tasked you with those responsibilities, be it MPs, councillors, village chairpersons or street leaders, after five years you will be measured in accordance with what you have done for the public,” he explained.

On following up the CCM’s investments, Dr Magufuli expressed his disappointment that the ruling party goes to beg for money from business people during elections despite vast income that CCM was supposed to earn from its different wing’s investments.

“I want to know where all the money from these investments goes to? The Youth Wing has vast investments including skyscrapers, where is the money going, UWT and the Parents Wing also have investments, where is the money? I will make close scrutiny on this,” he explained.

Earlier, Prime Minister, Mr Kassim Majaliwa, expressed his happiness at the huge turnout from the public to receive the new CCM National Chairman, promising the president that his directives will be fulfilled to ensure a prosperous Tanzania.

On his part, the CCM Secretary General Abdulrahman Kinana, expressed his appreciation to President Magufuli for reappointing him and the secretariat, promising his full support and speed in addressing the plight of many Tanzanians, especially the down trodden.

Mr Kinana told CCM members to brace for major changes following directives to the secretariat from the new National Chairman to conduct verification of all CCM properties and employees countrywide. “This is a good start.

The president also had an opportunity to meet and listen to grievances from CCM employees. I believe, there will be major changes within the party under the chairmanship of Dr Magufuli,” he explained.
CCM Dar es Salaam Regional Chairperson, Mr Ramadhani Madabida, assured the president of the region’s full support in his endeavour to bring prosperity to Tanzania, stressing that those calling the president names have lost direction and have no new policies that will convince Tanzanians otherwise.


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